Customer Management – Inquiry
The Inquiry tab of the Customer Management module provides a record of all transactions for a selected Customer. It may be used to locate an updated/posted transaction by filtering the list of records. Original and outstanding amounts are shown for each transaction. Moveware utilises a positive and negative convention to indicate debit and credit transactions. e.g. an Invoice is shown as a positive amount and a payment or credit note is shown as a negative figure.
Outstanding transactions are shown in the Inquiry tab by default, while toggling the “Show Zeros” toggle will allow review of all activity for the customer, including non-outstanding transactions. The tab also provides a summary of all outstanding transactions for the Customer by Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, and 90 Days. The Inquiry tab may be used to view individual Receipts or to display a consolidated view of payments applied to multiple Receipts.
How to View the Customer Inquiry Tab
- In the main menu navigate to Customers > Customer Management. Existing Customers are displayed in alphabetical order.
- To find the required Customer use the search boxes to filter the Customer records. See Searching for Customers for further details
- Navigate to the Inquiry tab. All Customer transactions are displayed.
Note: By default, transactions are show in the currency applicable to the Customer. However, if the Customer has a foreign currency, local currency amounts can be shown.
The following tasks may be performed on Customer transactions:
Task | Description |
Viewing Invoice Details | Individual Invoice details may be viewed by filtering the transaction records and double clicking on an Invoice. See Invoices. |
Viewing Receipt Details | Individual Receipt details may be viewed by filtering the transaction records and double clicking on a Receipt. See Receipt Details. |
Refresh Current Search | To view all current transactions, including recently posted Invoices and Receipts, click the Refresh button. |
Viewing Invoice Payment Details | To view the payment details of an Invoice, highlight the transaction and click the View Payment Details button. |
Viewing a Transaction Journal | To view the General Ledger Journal details of a transaction, highlight it and click on the General Ledger button. The Journal type may be Customer Invoice (DI) or Customer Receipt (DR). SeeViewing Transaction Journal . |
Quick Adjustment* | A Quick Adjustment is useful for writing off small amounts such as discrepancies in Foreign Currency transactions. The Cleanup Transactions button is used to make a Quick Adjustment. For further instructions seeEnter a Quick Adjustment. |
Move Highlighted Transaction to Another Customer* | An outstanding transaction, with no other applied transactions, can be transferred to another Customer by clicking the Move Highlighted Transaction button. See Move Highlighted Transaction to Another Customer. |
Modify Effective Date of Journal* | To modify the Effective Date of a transaction, highlight it and click the Modify Effective Date button. Select the new Effective Date from the pop-up calendar window and click OK. |
Reverse Highlighted Transaction* | A transaction may be reversed by highlighting it and clicking the Reverse button. Click Yes to confirm and enter a reason for the reversal. Invoices (DI) will be returned to status N, Receipts (DR) will be removed from the system entirely. |
View Current and Aged Totals | The right side of the Inquiry tab displays a summary of the current ageing status of the Customer for Current, 1 Month (30 Days), 2 Months (60 Days), 3 Months (90 Days), and Total balances outstanding. |
Hold/Unhold | The Hold/Unhold button allows outstanding invoices and receipts to be put on hold. Placing a hold on a transaction will highlight the outstanding balance in purple. Once a transaction is put on hold, it disables receipting/applying on the transaction. |
Creditor Balance | If the selected customer has been linked to a creditor account (Details tab), there will be a field that shows the current outstanding balance of that creditor. Selecting the View Creditor Balance button (Binoculars) will take you to the Creditor Management – Inquiry tab |
Consolidate Receipts | Receipts may be viewed as Consolidated Receipts by selecting the Consolidate Receipts checkbox on the right side of the Inquiry tab. |
Using Apply View | The Apply View becomes available once Show Zeros is selected. Once activated, it will list invoices with all the transactions that are applied to those invoices below. It is an effective way to locate receipts/deposits on an invoice. |
Viewing Unallocated Receipts | Received payments that have not been applied to a transaction are processed as Unallocated Receipts. The payment amount is entered in as a Receipt, but not posted or applied to an existing Invoice. A Receipt applied to a Proforma Invoice from a Job Plan prior to formal invoicing will appear as an unallocated payment with the Outstanding balance highlighted pink. Once the proforma invoice is posted to the Customers Ledger, the applied receipt will apply itself and be allocated. Use the Unallocated toggle to show any Receipts that haven’t been allocated to an Invoice or Invoices that have not been posted. If your system allows Receipts to be allocated to Unposted Invoices these will not be displayed. To view an unallocated receipt, select the Un-Allocated checkbox on the right side of the Inquiry tab. |
Transaction Notes | Transaction Notes can be used to store history or useful information about a transaction. To display a larger editor for easy entry, double click on the Transaction Notes box. |
View Event Log | To view the Event Log of a transaction click the View Events button. See Invoice Event Logfor further information. |
*These tasks are only available to Account Administration Users (Security Level A).