Claims Management – Details Fields

Claim IDClaim Number.

Automatically assigned by Moveware.
R/PlanRemoval Plan (Job number).
TypeClaim Category.

Claim, Complaint, or Feedback
Claim TypeType of Claim.

Damaged, Missing or Both.
Caused ByWho the damage was caused by?

Client, Destination Agent, Freight Agent, Hauling Agent, Origin Agent, Other.
CategoryCategory of Damage.

Fire, Item, Major, Minor, Property, Vehicle, Water.
ResolvedIs the claim for this item resolved? Y or N
Client NotifiedHas the Client been notified? Y or N
Recv ByPerson receiving claim.
Managed BySalesrep managing the account.
Recv BranchBranch receiving the Job.
Origin BranchBranch where the Job originated.
Date ResolvedDate Claim was resolved.
Claim ResolvedIs the Claim Resolved? Y or N.
PriorityL(ow), M(edium) or H(igh).
Client InsuredWas the insurance arranged by the Client? Y or N
Insurance ClaimIs this an Insurance Claim? Y or N
NameName of Claimant. Defaults to Delivery Name.
PhonePhone Number for Claimant.
AddressAddress of Claimant.
CommentsComments for Claim.
NotesNotes for Claim.
Origin BranchBranch that provided Origin Services.
Recv BrchBranch that received the Claim.
Recv ByStaff member that received the Claim.
Managed ByStaff member that managed the Claim.
Date UpliftUplift date of the Job.
Date ClaimedDate Claimed was lodged.
Date ResolvedDate Claimed was resolved.
Date Form SentDate Insurance Claim form sent to Client.
Date Form RecdDate Insurance Claim form received from Client.
Policy NoInsurance Policy Number.
Amount ClaimedAmount Claimed.
Amount CoveredInsured Amount.
Amount OwingAmount Owing.
Amount PaidAmount Paid.
ExcessExcess Amount.
TypeDouble-click for options: Fire Damage, Item Missing, etc.
Items Claimed Missing or DamagedBottom table.
ItemItem Name.
DescriptionItem Description.
DetailsDetails of damage.
CurrencyThe currency of the listed value of the item.
Valued AtItem value in the above currency.
ClaimedAmount claimed.
PaidAmount paid.
ResolvedHas this been resolved? Y or N
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