Jobs – Costing Fields

Cost Option Header

DescriptionName of the Cost Option.

The Description populates with the description of the Job Type used to create the Cost Option. This text is editable by the user.
Debtor (Customer)

The Customer to which the invoice will be raised. Also can be used for Tariffs.
CurCurrency of the Customer/Debtor.
OptionOption number.
Net M3Net M3.
Net CuFtNet Cubic Feet.
Net Lbs/b>Net Lbs.
ServiceService Type.
(i.e. FCL, LCL)
Estimated CostTotal estimated cost of the option. Calculates from the individual costing elements in the option.
%% markup for the option
ProfitProfit or markup amount for the option. The Sell Price less the Estimated Costs.
SellThe Total Sell Price in Local Currency.
Sell Price (FC)The Total Sell Price in Foreign Currency.
TaxTax code for Cost Header.
Actual CostThe total of Act Costs for the Option.
BranchBranch for the costing option. Used in correctly allocating the revenue and expenses of the Cost Option
InvoiceThe Linked Invoice Number.
InThe current Status of the Linked Invoice. When this Status is U (Updated to Debtors) the Sell Price and Estimated Costs of the Option can not be modified.
CThe Completed Status of the Option
StThe Quoting or Job Status. This generally matches the Job Status except on cancelled Cost Options.

Costing Details

DescriptionCosting Line Item Description.
CreditorSupplier/Creditor Name and Code.
CurCurrency associated with Cost.

Currency will match the Creditor Currency if there is a Creditor on the line.
Est QtyEstimated quantity.

The value which gets mulitplied by the rate to determine the cost/sell value.
RateThe Cost Rate.
Est CostEstimated Cost. Est Qty * Rate.
Est Cost (FC)The Estimated Cost in Foreign Currency.

If the Supplier charges you in a different currency than your base currency.
%Percentage Markup.
ProfitProfit. Sell Price less the Estimated Cost.
Sell RateSell Rate.
SellSell Price.

Tax Code for the Sell Price.
Act QtyActual Quantity Used.
Act CostActual Cost.
TaxTax Code for the Actual Cost. This defaults to the Sell Price Tax Code.
PurchasePurchase invoice corresponding to the costing element.
ASpecifies if the cost is to be accrued or not.

A = To be accrued
N = Not to be accrued
C = Accrual closed
InThe invoice status of the costing element:

N (New: not invoiced, no purchase attached. The default status.)
U (Updated.)
F (Free: no charge. Will not allow a purchase to be attached.)
Y (Invoiced: purchase attached, not necessarily posted. This will stop users from being able to create a purchase on the line and it will remove the line from the Accrual report even if its accrual status is A or C on the prepaid report.)
OSpecifies if the line item is included in the Cost Option totals or to be treated separately.
SUsed to select Multiple Costing Elements to make changes to multiple lines at once.

For instance, select 5 lines and add a Supplier to all 5 at once.
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