Jobs – Details Fields

ClientName Of Client. The checkbox to the right of the Client Name, when checked, reveals fields for Title, Firstname, and Lastname. Uncheck the box for situations where one line will suffice, for instance, if the client is a business, not a person.

The checkbox is controlled by a System Parameter called “Use First Name / Last Name in Removals Management”. If it is enabled (= set to Y) the toggle will be checked by default.
Origin CodeOrigin Address Code.

Used for analytical reporting purposes.
AddressUplift Address Line 1.
Address Line 2Uplift Address Line 2.

This field has no label, but is below Address.
Suburb/StateUplift Suburb and State.

This field has no label but is below the Uplift Address Line 2. If you enter a suburb which is in the Postcodes list in Moveware and press Tab, the postcode will automatically be entered.
PostUplift Postcode.
AccessUplift Access.

Notes regarding access to the Uplift address. Double click to choose from a list to save some typing.
Map RefMap Reference of Uplift Address.

Because Map Coordinates are not widely used anymore, Moveware has some options for re-purposing this field.
The System Parameters "Change the Map Ref field to Floor" and "Show Contact in Removals Instead of Map Ref" allow you to use it to record the floor number of the building, or the contact person at the address.
DistanceDistance to Uplift Address.
PortPort at Origin.
PhoneUplift Phone and Client Contact Numbers.

This is a text field, the entry does not need to be only numeric. It could say "111-222-3333, call only after 5pm".
MobileUplift Mobile/Cell Number.

Double click to send an SMS to this number, if SMS functionality is used by your company.
CommentsComments About Uplift Address.

Double-click for expanded entry.
Bill ToName of the entity who Is Paying for this Job.

Double-click to choose from your list of Customers/Debtors. If you know the Customer Code, enter it and hit Enter to quickly add the Customer.
AddressBilling Address.

Automatically completed from Billing Customer record.
Attention Biller Contact Name.
PayBiller Payment Code.

How the Account is to be settled. (ACC for On Account, or COD for Cash on Delivery, etc.)
EmailEmail address of the Bill To entity.
Internal NotesYour own notes that are internal only.
DeliveryName of the client, if different than at Uplift.

Leave blank if same as Uplift.
Destination CodeDestination Address Code.

Used for analytical reporting purposes.
AddressDelivery Address line 1, 2, Suburb, and Post Code.
AccessDelivery Access Notes.
Map RefMap Reference of Delivery Address.
DistanceDistance to Delivery Address.
PortPort at Destination.
PhoneDelivery Phone and Contact Numbers.

This is a text field, the entry does not need to be only numeric. It could say "111-222-3333, call only after 5pm".
MobileMobile phone number at destination.
Agent InstComments regarding the destination address.
CorporateThe Corporate Account involved in the move.
Corporate ContactThe Contact person of the Corporate Account involved in the move.
Corporate EmailThe email address of the Corporate Account involved in the move.
BookerBooking Agent.
Booker ContactContact of the Booking Agent.
Booker EmailEmail of the Booking Agent.

There is no label for this field. It is to the right of the Contact field for Booker.
Origin AgentOrigin Agent.
Origin Agent ContactContact of the Origin Agent.
Origin Agent EmailEmail of the Origin Agent.
Dest AgentDestination Agent.
Dest Agent ContactContact of the Destination Agent.
Dest Agent EmailEmail of the Destination Agent.
Crew NotesSpecial Instructions to Crew.

Double Click for Expanded Entry.
NumberJob Number.
BranchBranch who booked the Job.
BrandThe brand/display branch, if multiple brands exist.
TypeType Of Job (e.g. EXM, IMM, STG, etc.)
StatusJob Status.

E = Entry
I = Inspection/Survey is scheduled
P = Pending (Quoting)
W = Won/Booked
C = Cancelled
L = Lost
RevenueSales Revenue For Analysis Purposes.
FileFile Number / Consignment Note.
OrderPurchase Order Number.
Rate Request IDID of the Rate Request that this Job was created from.
PriorityPriority of Client.
ProvisionalSet to Yes if the Job is not set in stone. A popup will occur every time the Job is accessed.
Web AccessSet to Yes if this Job should appear on MoveClient/MovePartner.
Overall DistanceOverall Distance of the Job.
Net FeetThe Net Feet being moved.
Net MetersThe Net Meters being moved.
Volume ChangeVariation between estimated and actual volume.
Net LbsThe Net Lbs of the move.
Net KgsThe Net Kgs of the move.
No. ItemsNumber of Items/Packages.
Gross FeetThe Gross Feet of the move.
Gross KgsThe Gross Kgs of the move.
Gross LbsThe Gross Lbs of the move.
Gross MetersThe Gross Meters of the move.
Size1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom, Apartment, etc.
Date EnteredDate the Job was entered.
Analysis (Date)Date the Move Analysis (DSP).
SurveyDate Salesperson is to do the Survey/Inspection.
Survey TimeTime Salesperson is to do the Survey/Inspection.
Survey HoursThe number of hours scheduled to complete the survey.
Follow UpThe date the Salesperson should follow up with the client after quoting them.
Packing DatePacking Date.
Uplift FromUplift/Load Spread Start date.
Uplift ToUplift/Load Spread Finish date.
Uplift DateUplift Date.
Delivery DateDelivery Date.
Delivery FromDelivery Spread Start date.
Delivery ToDelivery Spread Finish date.
Load PreferredThe client's preferred load date.
Date WonThe date the Job was won/booked.
Date ArrivalThe arrival date for international shipments.
Date DepartureThe departure date for international shipments.
Date Carton DeliveryThe carton delivery date.
Entered ByThe user who initially entered the Job.
Sales RepThe salesperson who is credited with the Job or is performing the Inspection/Survey.
Move ManagerThe Move Manager/Coordinator who is managing the Job.
Account ManagerThe Account Manager of the Customer.
Corp Acct ManagerThe Account Manager of the Corporate Account.
Referral/SourceHow did the client hear about you?
Referral/Source DetailsExtra detail regarding the Referral/Source.
Customer TypeCompany, Private, Agent, etc.
(Customer) GroupThe Customer Group (set in Customer Management)
Confidential ToTo be used if the Job is confidential to a particular party.
Quote ToWho are you quoting for this file - Agent, Client, Bill To, Spouse, etc.
PartnerClient’s Spouse/Partner's Name.
LanguageThe primary language of the Client.
Inquiry TypeWas the Job received by email, phone, online, etc.
CompetitorsKnown Competitors quoting on Job.
MarketingSet to Yes if this Job should appear in future Marketing material.
NationalityThe Nationality of the client.
AllowanceThe allowance the client has for this Job.
Registered As
ServiceService Description (FCL, LCL, 2 Men and a Truck, etc.)
MethodMethod of Transportation (Road, Sea, Air, etc.)
Transportation TypeDoor to door, Door to port, port to door, etc.
Shipment StatusShipped, not shipped, loaded, etc.
Shipment DetailsComments about the shipment (useful for the Destination Summary screen)
Load TypeLoose or Cased.
Insured ByWho Insured the Contents of the Job.
PolicyInsurance Policy.
Insured ValueDeclared Insurance Value.
Insurance CoverType of Insurance Coverage .
StorageStorage Required.

IN – into store; OUT – out of store; NO – none.
Storage IDExisting Storage Account.
Storage VolumeVolume going into Storage.
Est Storage PeriodEstimated length of time in storage.

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