Branch Management – Setup

Moveware is designed for multi-branch operation, and many details can be set up specific to each branch in the Setup tab of the Branch Management window.

Storage ContactContact name for storage inquiries – this can be added to documents if needed.
Statement NameContact name to appear on statements.
Mail OutName to be used for mail-outs in the Leads excel report.
Insurance CompanySpecifies the default insurance company name to appear on letters.
Imports Deliver ToSpecifies the default area for delivery of import consignments. This will populate the “Delivery Quoted To” field on the Imports tab of Jobs Management.
Goods DefaultSpecifies the default consignment type. The Goods field will automatically be populated with this value in the Exports or Imports tab of Jobs Management.
Message A message that can be printed onto documents such as statements.
Uplift AccessDefault Access for uplift in Jobs Management > Details.
Delivery AccessDefault Access for delivery in Jobs Management > Details.
Customs Export FileSpecifies the location to put the export file for syncing with an external customs system.
Acrobat DirectoryFile name of default Acrobat directory (generally unused).
Agent Directory
Shared FilesN/A
Report Header LogoFile name of branch logo for the header section of documents and reports.
Report Footer Logo File name of branch logo for the footer section of documents and reports.
Desktop ImageFile name of the image to display on the background of Moveware.
Special Instruction Characters Number of characters used for special instructions.
Labels DomesticNumber of labels per page for furniture stickers/labels for Domestic Jobs. If you have a seperate label printer for domestic labels, enter the amount of labels that print per page here. Any labels printed for non-International Export jobs will round up the number of labels required to print a full page of labels.
Labels ExportNumber of labels per page for furniture stickers/labels for International Export Jobs. If you have a seperate label printer for Export labels, enter the amount of labels that print per page here. Any labels printed for Export jobs will round up the number of labels required to print a full page of labels.
Default Density UsedDefault density used for international moves.
Days FreeNumber of days free storage for import consignments.
Disbursements %The default markup disbursement % on the Imports tab of Jobs Management.
Payroll Tax ThresholdPayroll Tax Threshold used to determine Payroll Tax.
Payroll Tax RatePayroll tax rate used in Payroll calculations.
Exclude from RP LookupSet to Y to disable the ability to choose this Branch to use on a Job. It will no longer display as a branch option.
Customs LinkThe external program used for Customs.
Permission NumberAustralian Customs Permission Number.
Principal IDThe ID used for the external Customs program (see above Customs Link).
Client IDThe Client ID Used for the above Customs Link.
OBLOriginal House Bill of Lading Number.
Bond Store NumberSpecifies the Government Bond Store Number if applicable
Default Ops Start TimeDiary Actions with “Use Branch Start” set to Y in Diary Actions Setup will automatically be assigned the Est Start time set in this field. The assigned time will be set to field Onsite or StartE depending on system parameter 'Diary Based Resource Costing'. If the system parameter is on, the default time will be set to 'StartE', otherwise 'Onsite'.
Web IDUnique identifier allocated by Moveware for Moveware Connect.
Web NameThe Branch name that will display on MoveClient.
Web Branch EmailThe Branch email address that will display on MoveClient.
Bond ChargeA bond charge that can be used on import documentation. This is used by the Storage Calculation utility on the Import tab of the Jobs Management module.
Storage ChargeA storage charge that can be used on import documentation. This is used by the Storage Calculation utility on the Import tab of the Jobs Management module.
Storage HandlingA storage handling charge that can be used on import documentation. This is used by the Storage Calculation utility on the Import tab of the Jobs Management module.
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