Control and Linked Accounts

Control accounts are used in Moveware to assist in automating tasks, such as invoicing and receipting, by creating automatic 2-sided journals. Different types of control accounts have different functions.

The list of accounts linked to control accounts can be viewed in the “Control Accts” tab of the General Ledger Setup window. Review the table below for control accounts and their associated functions.

How to Set up a Control or Linked Account

  1. Navigate to General Ledger > Setup > Subcodes tab.
  2. Select the relevant account record.
  3. Use the drop-down menu called “Linked” on the right-hand side of the screen, under Subcode Details, to select the type of control account (see image below).
  4. Click Save.

Control Account and Associated Function

Banking Account
Accounts for all money deposited into and withdrawn from into bank accounts.
Inter-Branch LoanClearing account for transactions between company branches.
Undeposited FundsHolds payments received before being deposited into a bank account.
Electronic ClearingClearing account for all payments made electronically.
Customers ControlConsolidates the amounts owed by all individual Customers.
Suppliers ControlConsolidates the amounts owed by all individual Suppliers.
Tax PaidHolds sales and government taxes paid.
Tax ReceivedHolds all tax received from sales.
Discounts ReceivedHolds all discounts received from purchases.
Discounts GivenHolds all discounts given from sales.
Finance ChargeHolds all borrowing finance charges, e.g. bank loan interest.
Exchange VariationSummarises variances from exchange rates for foreign currency transactions.
Payroll ClearingClearing account for employee pays.
Retained EarningsHolds all accumulated company profit retained for use within your company.
Current EarningsHolds company profit for the current period.
Opening Balance CustomersUsed to initialise amounts owed by Outstanding Customers.
Opening Balance SuppliersUsed to initialise amounts owed to Suppliers.
Accruals ControlAccrual accounts for unpaid expenses.
Accruals Advanced RevenueAccrual accounts for unearned or advanced revenues.
Inter-Currency AdjustmentHolds adjustment amounts for company transactions with multiple foreign currencies.
Prepaid ExpenseUsed to create journal from jobs with costs but not invoiced yet
Van Line ClearingControl account for Van Line transactions instead of trade Debtors
Van Line WriteoffAccount for small amounts to be written off in Revenue Reconciliation
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