Employee Management – Skills

Employee Skills can be entered in Employee Management to track training, education, certifications, licenses, etc. Employee Skills are listed by default on the bottom-right of the Employee Management -> Details tab.  However, the System Parameter “Enable the Skills Tab in Employee Management”, when given a value of Y, moves the Skills section onto its own tab in Employee Management. 

This enables additional visibility and columns.

How to Add a Skill to an Employee

Click the Add button in the Smart Panel at the top of the screen to add a skill to an employee.  The list of Skill options available can be managed in Codes Management, when the Type dropdown is set to “Skills”.  The Description column is editable once a skill is added.

Double click in the Trainer or Assessor field to choose an employee who provided the training or assessed the result.  See below for instructions on adding an employee as a Trainer or Assessor.
Enter the Date the skill was received into the Date column.  Enter a Re-assessment date if required.  A score can be entered manually, or chosen from a list if double-clicked.  The list is managed in Codes Management, when the Type dropdown is set to Skills Score (see below step by step instructions).  Enter any additional Comments in the Comments column.

Attachments can be saved in the Employee’s folder .

How to Set an Employee as a Trainer or Assessor

An Employee must be assigned to a “Cost Type” of Trainer or Assessor to add them to each list.  The following steps are required:

  1. On Employee Management > Details, click Add.

  2. Set the Last Name as Trainer or Assessor and toggle Costing Item to ‘Y’. 

  3. Choose an employee who you would like to add as an Assessor or Trainer.   Click Assessor and/or Trainer as the employee’s Cost Type (hold Ctrl and click to choose multiple Cost Types).

  4. The employee will now be available in the Skills tab as a Trainer or Assessor.

How to Set Score Options for Employee Management > Skills

  1. Go to Administration > Moveware Setup > Codes Management.  Select Code Type to ‘Code’ and click the Add button.

  2. Enter a Code Value of Skills Score and Save.

  3. Exit Codes Management and open it again.  Toggle the Code Type to ‘Skills Score’ and add each score to the Code Value field.

  4. Now we can double click the Score field and choose from this list.
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