Enter a Quick Adjustment (Customers)

A Quick Adjustment is useful for writing off small amounts such as discrepancies in Foreign Currency Transactions. The written-off amount excludes tax and is placed in the Discounts Given Account by default. Once a Quick Adjustment is posted it is entered into the General Ledger as a Customer Invoice (DI) Journal.

Perquisites to make a quick adjustment

User(s) with security group ‘A’ are able to use the quick adjustment button.

“Max discount allowed” should be active in Codes -> Employee details

Then in Employee Management -> User details you need to add the value.
The Max Discount Value must be equals to or higher than the outstanding value on the Transaction.

Note: System Parameter “Maximum Discount Allowed” may also be used to set the discount limit.

How to Make a Quick Adjustment

  1. In the main menu navigate to Customers > Customer Management. To find the required Customer use the search boxes to filter the Customer records. See Searching for Customers for further details.
  2. Navigate to the Inquiry tab. All Customer transactions are displayed. Select the transaction to be written off.
  3. Click the Clean Up Transactions button . The Quick Adjustment pop up window will be displayed

Note: By default, the Quick Adjustment is set to go to the “Discount Given” General Ledger account (Linked account). This account can be changed by selecting the button located to the left of Account.

4. Enter the Date, Reference, Description, and select the appropriate account.

5. Click post to create the Quick Adjustment transaction. The transaction that is created is a Customer Invoice (DI) Journal and the outstanding balance will be set to 0.00 removing the transaction from the Outstanding Transaction list.

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