Inventory Management – Furniture

The Furniture type of the Inventory Management module allows you to list all common items of furniture that you may carry or store for clients, along with their volume, costs and other relevant details.  The information recorded here generates the list that is used in the Inventory tab of the Jobs module.  It is also the master for MoveSurvey and Mobi, Moveware’s handheld surveying programs.   

You are able to set a default weight and volume, pack type (packing material), as well as the default rooms that the item will appear in on MoveSurvey or Mobi.  These values can then be modified when a survey is performed.

Overview of Tabs

TypeThis is a Drop down box to select the Inventory type. Click on the down arrow next to the type field and select Furniture
DescriptionA brief description of the furniture item.
MakeThe make of the furniture item. A list of makes can be saved in Codes Management, under a Type of Furniture Make.
ModelThe model of the furniture item. A list of models can be saved in Codes Management, under a Type of Furniture Model.
CodeA code that can be assigned to the item. Generally this is used for mapping Moveware’s furniture list with another system’s list.
VolumeThe cubic volume of the item.
ValueThe value of the item.
LengthThe item’s length.
WidthThe item’s width.
HeightThe item’s height.
WeightLight, Medium, or Heavy.
KgsThe weight in Kgs of the item.
LbsThe weight in Lbs of the item.
StatusThe current status of the item – Active or Inactive.
Default RoomsThe item will only appear in the furniture list for the Rooms specified here (leave blank to display in all rooms).
SpecialDouble click to choose from the list of Special items. A special item can be designated as such to advise Operations when an item with special requirements is included. Special Items can be linked to Diary Actions (see Diary Actions Setup) to create Diary Action alerts to a user when a special item is added to a Job.
Default DestinationChoose a Destination default to automatically assign the item’s destination when added to a Job.
Estimated/ActualToggle to Estimated or Actual to have the item only appear on the pick list for estimated or actual. In other words, if I’ve set this to Actual, the item will not appear on the list of furniture options when doing a survey or adding to a list of estimated items.
Default Calc TypeN/A
Pack MethodPBO (Pack by Owner) or CP (Carrier Packed). If one of these options is chosen, the item will default to that pack method on a Job, although it can be changed.
Packing UniqueIf set to Y, the linked Packing Material (as specified in the “Pack Type” section below), will create a unique material for each furniture item. In other words, if I add two Aquariums, the packing material for each will be listed seperately, rather than displaying one line with a quantity of 2.
Sort The order in which the item is sorted. Enter a number to sort numerically. If no numbers are entered, the items will sort alphabetically.
Pack TypeThe default type of packing used for this furniture type
Display BranchesDouble click and choose all branches under which the furniture item should display as an option. Leave blank if all branches should see this item.
Display Cost CentresDouble click and choose all Cost Centres (types of Jobs) under which the furniture item should display as an option. Leave blank if Jobs for all Cost Centres should be able to use this item.
CommentsComments about the item – by default this will not display anywhere outside of Inventory Management.
ImageThe file path of the image to associate with an item (for MovePartner and MoveClient)
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