
The Invoicing module is a summary of all Customer invoices created in Moveware.

The top section of the Invoicing screen lists all invoices in the system. The boxes above each column allow you to search for an invoice. Each row in the table represents an invoice. When you click on a row and it highlights in blue, the bottom section, underneath the table, will display the Invoice you’ve highlighted.

Invoices in Moveware have two main sections: the Invoice Header (1) and the Invoice Body (2).

(1) The Invoice Header

The Invoice Header includes customer details (Billing name, address information, and Attention), along with the Invoice Description and Details. This information can be manually changed, or if created from a Job will be populated using Job details. The Date is the Effective Date and will determine the Due Date on the Invoice according to the Terms. The other dates on the Invoice Header are the Created Date, The Printed Date (the first date the invoice is either printed or saved as a .pdf file), and the Reprint Date (the most recent date of printing or saving as a .pdf file). The Currency and Exchange Rate being used is also included in the header section. 

Invoice Source Types

Invoices are created from several modules within Moveware. These modules include: 

ModuleSource Type
Jobs ManagementR
Storage ModuleS
Crating ModuleC
Combined Invoice ModuleX
Manual Invoices (Invoicing Module)M

The Source Type of an Invoice is useful as it allows you to print or report on only particular types of Invoices. The Source Type is displayed in the ‘Src’ column in the table at the top of the screen.

Invoice Types

Invoices can be a Standard Invoice, Credit Note or Adjustment. These types are represented in Moveware with the following codes:

Invoice TypeCode
Standard InvoiceIN
Credit NoteCR

Invoice Types are displayed in the ‘Type’ column at the top of the screen.

Invoice Status

The Status of an Invoice depends on if it is newly created, posted, put on hold or canceled.

BlankProforma Charges/Invoice. Used when Invoicing from the Jobs module and will not be found on the Invoicing screen
NNon-updated or Not Posted Invoice. Invoice number not assigned
UUpdated or posted Invoice. DI (Customer Invoice) transaction is posted into Customers Ledger and General Ledger at the Invoice Effective Date
HInvoice on Hold. Transaction not posted to Customers Ledger or General Ledger
CInvoice Cancelled

The Status of an Invoice is listed in the ‘St’ column in the table at the top of the screen.

(2) The Invoice Body

The Invoice Body contains a breakdown of various charge lines allowing the sale to split across various revenue accounts utilizing Job Products to determine where the balances are sent in the General Ledger. 

More Information

Please follow the below links for additional information on functionality available in the Invoicing screen:

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