
Labels can be printed from Moveware and used to clearly mark items in the Job inventory.  Labels can include the all relevant details, including client name, delivery destination, Job number, item number, etc.

Labels can be designed by Moveware to meet your requirements.  Moveware also comes with default label templates in the system – one for 2×8 pages, another for 3×8.

How to Print Job Labels:

  1. Navigate to Operations > Labels in the main menu.

  2. By default, the Branch field in the top-left of the Labels screen will filter only Jobs belonging to the user’s branch.   This can be cleared or changed. 

  3. Any labels already added to the labels screen for the selected branch are displayed in the Labels window.

Jobs only display on this screen when added by the user.  To add Jobs to this screen to print its labels, click the Add button on the right, and double click in the R/Plan (Job) or Waybill field. Choose the Job or Waybill you wish to print and click OK.

4. Moveware will calculate the number of labels required in the Label Start and End fields.  It will calculate six labels per cubic meter according to the Job or Waybill volume entered. If no volume is entered, it will default to print 1 label.  The label Start and End numbers can be edited by the user.

5. Click the Print button  .  Moveware will default to the printer that your computer is set to default to.  Ensure the printer is changed to the label printer, if needed.

6. To ensure that the labels are not reprinted, clear the records by clicking the Delete All  button.  This will delete all labels visible on the screen only.  In other words, if the branch filter is set, the delete button will only delete your branch’s labels.

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