Mobi Release Notes 3.21

Mobi Release Notes November 2023

App Store Release date: November 14th , 2023 (Please note date is not fixed, once release to app stores, there is an approval process which could take up to a week)

Issue KeySummaryDescription
NEW SETTING: New Option to Hide InventoryQuickLink buttonAdded the ability to hide the inventory quick link button.Code Type: Setting
Code Value: InventoryQuickLink
Answers (Add the "Disabled" option): Notes,Job Details,Job Summary,Diary Summary,Disabled
NEW SETTING: Timesheeting section displayAdded a report filter to display timesheet for either today or all daysIn Code Management, add a new code:
Type: MobiReportFilter
Code Value: timesheetDay
Description: Shows timesheet for either Today or All Days
Comments: Today,All Days
Status: Active
Default: Today
Extra: combo
NEW SETTING: Added a setting to hide diary actions for unconfirmed labourAdded new code to hide unconfirmed labour. Works in conjunction with Moveware system parameter sysparam-spare4[19] (Default Labour and Vehicles to Confirmed).In Code Management, add a new code:
Code type: Setting
Code Value: HideUnconfirmedLabour
Code desc: Hide Unconfirmed Labour
Answers: Yes,No
Default Answer: No
Parent: Jobs
Control type: toggle
IMPROVEMENT: Downloading Object Photos to MobiAdded the ability to download object images from Moveware to MobiUsers can download these by selecting the image icon. The red D (download) will indicate the object has an image stored against it.
IMPROVEMENT: Time and date stamp check off itemsAdded timestamps for check off items in reportsNo change in usage required.
IMPROVEMENT: Independent ChecksAdded "Independent checks" toggle for users using "single check per item" setting. This allows the same item to be checked off even if it already has been checked off. Useful for checking items onto a truck if they are already checked into a liftvan for example.No change in usage required.
IMPROVEMENT: Tickbox Control TypeAdded tickbox control type in reports. Useful for questionnaires where clients are selecting multiple values.No change in usage required.
IMPROVEMENT- Mobi SMS - New message display updateUpdated the New message display screen.No change in usage required.
IMPROVEMENT- Crate & PKG lookupImproved the packing and crating functionalityNo change in usage required.
IMPROVEMENT-Warehouse Search Screen labelsUpdated Warehouse labels for Asset managementNo change in usage required.
IMPROVEMENT- Viewing Additional Job Detail fieldsAdded a toggle to expand Job detail view to see hidden fields.No change in usage required.
UPDATE- Mobi Map RoutingUpdated Map RoutingNo change in usage required.
UPDATE -Added branch filtering to packing lookupUpdated packing to respect branch/type filterNo change in usage required.
UPDATE- Object Old Ref field added in MobiWarehouseAdded display of old ref. field in object detailsNo change in usage required.
UPDATE- Duplicated Inventory WarningAdded warning where inventory records may be duplicatedNo change in usage required.
UPDATE- Inventory ButtonsRemoved redundant Sync buttons from inventory screen to reduce clutter. Sync is stil available on this screen by selecting the refresh icon.No change in usage required.
UPDATE- Packer lookupUpdated the Packer lookup to work in conjunction with setting "OnlyShowJobLabourasPackers" regardless of how it's being updated. Previously it would respect the setting from the edit screen but not the condition screen.No change in usage required.
FIX- Copied Objects displayFixed issue where copied fine art objects would not display across different Mobi screens without a sync to Moveware. They will now display regardless of the sync.No change in usage required.
FIX- Undo button skipping tag#Fixed an issue where using the undo button would skip a tag number. This has now been fixed.No change in usage required.
FIX- Mobi Sync WarningFixed issue with erroneous sync warningsNo change in usage required.
FIX- Fine Art- Sidemark & Project number fieldFixed an issue where refreshing codes would lead to the Sidemark & Project Number field disappearing.No change in usage required.
FIX- For Setting DisableReportCheckFixed issue with report checks not working in some circumstancesNo change in usage required.
FIX: Sync Button AlertFixed issue where the sync button was triggering the alert for unfinished review questions. Removed pop up for this control type.No change in usage required.
FIX- Badge cut off in inventory screenEnsured badges in inventory screen display correctlyNo change in usage required.
FIX: Filter for Diary actions added from MobiFixed issue where the timesheeting filter would not work on diary actions added directly in Mobi.No change in usage required.
FIX: Report timestamp updates based on setting "Use24hrTime"Previously reports would not factor in the "Use24hrTime" setting. Now the reports will display based on the setting.No change in usage required.
FIX- Volume display for packingFixed issue with packing and volume when using dimensionsNo change in usage required.
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