Parsifal PRISM Interface – Sync Ports

The Ports screen in Moveware contains the list of Ports in your database. Each Port needs to have a corresponding Air and/or Sea PRISM Port ID in order to match the Ports between systems.

Ports are kept in sync via scheduled Data Transfer.

Parsifal field nameParsifal Comments Moveware FieldMoveware Field Description
*countryPortID Identity ports.port-spareint[1] for Air.

ports.port-spareint[2] for Sea.
Air or Sea Parsifal ID
*portTypeDesc sea or air Not applicable
*loCode 5 character code ports.port-codePort Code
*countryCD 2 character ISO country code ports.port-statePort Country
*portCD 3 character port code Not applicable
*portName ports.port-descPort Description
*lastUpdateDT UTC Date Time Not applicable
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