
Reports in Moveware

A wide variety of reports can be generated in Moveware, providing users, customers, and management staff summaries of key information within the system. This powerful report capability is located in the Reports module, where reports can be produced in a variety of formats.

Depending on a user’s access and permissions, reporting is available for all modules within Moveware. In addition, the types of reports available can be customized to suit a company’s individual needs.

Types of Reports

Generated reports summarise data within Moveware and provide a detailed analysis of the information. Records may be sorted, grouped, and filtered to allow a variety of different kinds of analysis of your business. Examples of these reports include: the Jobs/Removals Summary, the Invoice Audit Trail and the General Ledger Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet Reports.

Customized and Time-Saving

The Moveware Reports module also generates standard forms and client letters. Forms such as Job Dockets, Invoices and Statements are produced on a Company Standard Letterhead.  Client letters such as the Booking Confirmation, Quotation and Import Arrival Notification can all be quickly generated saving the operator time and improving the level of customer service.

General reports and documents are generated from the Reports module where reports are organised into tabs.  Each tab in the Reports module has a list of reports grouped into categories corresponding to Moveware modules.  Reports can be saved and added to your Favourites tab, or Scheduled to be emailed to you automatically at a certain time each day or week.

Data within Moveware may be dynamically linked to Microsoft Word templates with Word merge documents. This enables customized reports to be set up and run within the application.

For further information on creating reports see Generating Reports, Saving Report Filters & Setup, Printing & Viewing Reports, Scheduling Reports, and Configuring Reports.

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