Tax Codes

You can find the Tax Codes Screen in Administration > Moveware Setup > Tax Codes.

If your business makes sales and purchases, you’re probably very familiar with the concept of including tax on the transactions you conduct with your customers and suppliers, and you know how important it is to track these amounts carefully. Moveware allows you to define different tax codes to track different taxes. Each tax code represents a particular tax that is used to calculate tax on your transactions.

Common Tax Codes include: VAT – Value Added Tax, GST Goods and Services Tax and NT – Not Reportable. In the Tax Codes window the general ledger code sub code for each tax type is also specified. Whenever you enter a transaction that should be taxed, you’ll assign a specific code to each line item in the transaction. The tax rate for that Tax code then will be multiplied by the amount of the line item to determine the tax amount.

Tax codes are setup with details to determine when the tax code applies.  These are detailed below in order of preference:

Field Description
CompanyA tax code can apply to a particular company.
BranchA tax code can apply to a particular branch.
TypeSet the tax to apply to a particular Type of Job or Cost Centre.
Origin Country CodeWhere the charge is originating from.
Destination Country CodeWhere the charge is going to.
Origin RegionRegion in which the Origin falls (EU or Non EU).
Destination RegionRegion in which the Destination falls (EU or Non EU).
Entity’s Country CodeCountry where the Entity (Customer/Creditor) is registered.
Entity’s RegionRegion in which the Entity is located (EU or Non EU).
Business to Business TransactionIs the tax applicable to charges from a registered business to another registered business?
Country to Country TransactionIs the tax applicable to charges for work over multiple countries?
Tax CodeThe code is what will display throughout the system when this tax code is used.
Tax dateThe date the tax is valid until.

Tax can be assigned to a particular Customer (Debtor) / Supplier (Creditor) so that they use the tax selected. 

Tax can also be assigned to a Removal Product (Job Product) or Creditor Product (Supplier Product).  If a tax rate is assigned to a Customer/Supplier or a Product, it may not be used by any other Customer/Supplier or Product.

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