The Job Life Cycle and Statuses

The status of a Job changes according to the stage it is at in the Job Life Cycle. A Job can be created at any stage of the life cycle; however, different information is required in order for the job to continue through the different stages or “statuses.” A summary of all Moveware Job Statuses (the Job Life Cycle) and the events related to these statuses are outlined in the table below.

Job Statuses:

EEntryInitial entry of a Job, prior to a survey being scheduled.
IInspection or SurveyThe status of a Job prior to it being surveyed.
PPendingThe status Job while it is being quoted. As soon as a Job has been surveyed it should be set to Status P  to ensure that it is followed up successfully.
WWon (or Booked)The status that indicates that a job has been successfully booked and is going to take place. It is recommended that all information is re-checked at the time of setting this status (such as the Dates and Addresses of the Move, Pricing and Costing information and any contact details).
LLostThis Status is to be used for Jobs that are lost (not booked). Users will be prompted to enter details of why the quotation was unsuccessful.
CCanceledThis status is to be used for Jobs that are Cancelled. Perhaps the client cancelled the move prior to a quote being provided. This status can also be used for Test Jobs and duplicated entries.

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