How to Search for a Job

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Search for a job 

  1. Navigate to the Jobs Screen.
  2. To select a specific job, simply click on it. If you don’t see the job you’re looking for, you can search for it using Moveware’s powerful search filters.

Use the search filters 

Review the table below for an overview of applicable search filters. Additional search filters are displayed along the bottom of the screen. You can access even more search filters by clicking on the binoculars icon . At a higher resolution, Moveware will use the space available to display additional search filters.  

NumberThe number is a unique sequence number that is automatically generated when a new job is created.
BranchThe next column is Branch. This refers to the relevant corporate branch.
TypeThe third column refers to the Type of Job or “Cost Center.” A Cost Center refers to the main job activities that may be completed. For example: an export move, Local move or Import controlled by an Agent.
StatusThis column refers to Job Status. Possible statuses include: E for Entry, I for Inspection/Survey, P for Pending/Quoting, W for Booked/Won, L for Lost and C for Cancelled.
InvoicedThis column relates to whether a job has been invoiced or not. Possible options include: yes, no, or free.
ClosedUsing the parameters of Yes or No, this field dictates whether the job is closed or not. By default, this search filter will be set to N, which will show only active jobs. If you would like to filter by closed jobs, simply enter Y.
EnteredThis column records which user created the file.
Sales RepresentativeThis column lists the sales representative assigned to the job.
ManagerThis column lists the coordinator assigned to the job.
Load NameThis column includes the origin information. This is often an individual or a corporation.

A special note for the Load Name filter: always remember to use an asterisk before entering an individual or a corporation name in this field. Otherwise, your search results will be incomplete. Search criteria without an asterisk will only return records beginning with the search text. A search using an asterisk in the text will return records with the text anywhere in the searched field.

For example: Sarah vs. *Sarah
BillerThis column refers to the customer. This is often an individual or a corporation.
AddressThis column refers to the origin and destination addresses.
EnteredThis field records when the job file was created.
SurveyThis column refers to the scheduled survey/inspection date.
Load DateThis column refers to the scheduled move date.
DeliverThis column refers to the schedule delivery date.
Revenue This column will populate with the estimated total revenue from the costing screen.
Lbs This column refers to the total weight or measurements associated with the job. You can use the checkbox to toggle between pounds and volume.
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