Adding Inventory Items

Inventory items are added by selecting the required removal in the Search window and navigating to the Inventory window. Staff members can view the estimated inventory created by a surveyor.

Inventory items may be added individually as described in the steps below. Items can be assigned a default packing material and quantity, and are displayed with a green background if they are Actual items.

Note: The list of actual items may contain more items than the estimated list, e.g. if it contains items that are disassembled.

The default packing material can be assigned to estimated inventory items by selecting the checkbox in the Inventory field at the top of the window.

To add inventory items:

  1. Select if the inventory items are Estimated or Actual at the top of the window.
  2. Select a room from the Room List. This list is added by default when a new removal is added, and may be edited using the Add, Delete and Rename buttons above the list.
  3. Select a destination from the Destination List. Selecting All from the list will display a list of items for all destinations.
  4. Click on an item the Pick List at the right of the window. The Pick List may be filtered to view only room or packing items. The list may also be filtered alphabetically using the keypad at the bottom right of the window.
  5. Click the Qty field to change the quantity of the item.
  6. Edit the details of the item at the bottom of the window. Select the type of packing material from the Packing drop down box. If your system allows multiple packing materials, click on the Packing field and select the required materials.
  7. Select the packing method from the Method drop down box.
  8. Describe the condition of the item by clicking the icon at the right of the Condition field. The Add Condition window is opened, where clicking on conditions adds them to the Condition field. Click Exit.
  9. Enter the dimensions of the item.

Note: The SuFt field displays the surface area of the item, and is automatically calculated from the dimensions. This value is useful for crating calculations.

10. Add a photo, video or sketch of the item by clicking the attachment button in the edit box of each item. This is a useful tool for recording any damage to items. The files attached to the item are viewed by selecting Attachments below the list of items.

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