Agents – Details Fields

NameAgent Name.
AliasAlias, if the agent is an individual.
AddressFour lines for Agent address.
CountryThe agent’s country.
PostThe Agent’s Post/Zip code.
PhoneThe Agent’s main phone number. The field directly to the right is for a second phone number.
FaxThe Agent’s fax number.
ContactThe name of your primary contact person.
Export ContactThe name of your primary contact person for export Jobs. The field directly to the right is for the Export Contact’s email address. The icon allows you to email the contact from this screen.
Import ContactThe name of your primary contact person for import Jobs. The field directly to the right is for the Import Contact’s email address. The icon allows you to email the contact from this screen.
EmailThe Agent’s primary email address.
Web SiteThe Agent’s website URL.
LanguageThe primary language spoken by the Agent.
NIRUNational Import Reliefs Unit information for goods going into the EU.
StatusThe Status of the Agent. (A)ctive, (C)losed, (H)old, X
MoveTransferToggle to Yes if you would like to connect with Agent via MoveTransfer.
PreferredIf the Agent is one that your company would prefer to use, toggle to Y. When adding an Agent to a Job, you can see whether an agent is preferred or not.
Web IDTo enable the agent for MoveTransfer, double click the Web ID field and select an ID.
CreditSet the Credit status to Y (Yes), N (No).
DensityThe default density used by this Agent.
TypeSet the type of the agent to DOM (Domestic), INT (International) or FREIGHT. Designating an Agent as DOM or INT narrows down the list when adding an Agent to a Job or Waybill. For instance, when adding an Origin Agent to an Job exporting out of your country, the list will default to DOM, while the Destination Agent list will default to INT. The Freight, Clearing Agent, and Inland Freight fields in Waybills will use the FREIGHT list.
VAT NoThe Agent’s VAT number, for European countries.
Principle IDA Freight Agent ID number. This field will update on the Waybill Details screen with the Freight Agent’s Principle ID number.
BranchThe branch at your organization that works with the Agent. Only specify a branch if that branch is the only one that uses the Agent.
Dept OfficeOffice of Departure. This list can be populated in Codes Management, when you select Dept Office from the Type dropdown.
CompanyThe company at your organization that works with the Agent. Only specify a company if that company is the only one that uses the Agent.
IATA CodeInternational Air Transport Association Number
DestinationThe Destination used by this Agent.
SCAC CodeStandard Carrier Alpha Code.
CodeThe Agent’s unique ID. Moveware allows for this to be assigned manually by the user or to be automatically assigned by Moveware. The System Parameter “Use System Generated Agent Code”, if given a value of Y, will assign the code automatically.
OMNIOverseas Moving Network International code. OMNI reports can be run in the Analysis tab of the Reports module. This code is used to populate the report.
Debtor (Customer)Double click to select the Debtor/Customer that pays for invoices when you work with this Agent. It is highly recommended to link all Agents to a customer as it offers significant benefits in reporting and data entry. There are two System Parameters that can aid with linking

1) Enable Updating of Agent Details from Debtors. When the Value of this parameter is set to Y, when Details of the Debtor are updated, the linked Agent will automatically update. The Agent details will no longer be editable; updates can only be done through the Debtors screen. When the Value is set to A, a popup will ask if you wish to update the linked Agent whenever the linked Debtor is updated.

2) Allow creation of debtors and creditors from agents. When the Value of this parameter is set to Y, an icon will appear to the right of the Agent’s name. Click this icon and it will create a Debtor/Customer or Creditor/Supplier with the same details as the Agent and will link them together.
Creditor (Supplier)Double click to select the Creditor/Supplier that invoices you when you work with this Agent. It is highly recommended to link all Agents to a Supplier as it offers significant benefits in reporting and data entry. There are two System Parameters that can aid with linking

1) Enable Updating of Agent Details from Creditors. When the Value of this parameter is set to Y, when Details of the Creditor are updated, the linked Agent will automatically update. The Agent details will no longer be editable; updates can only be done through the Creditors screen. When the Value is set to A, a popup will ask if you wish to update the linked Agent whenever the linked Creditor is updated.

2) Allow creation of debtors and creditors from agents. When the Value of this parameter is set to Y, an icon will appear to the right of the Agent’s name. Click this icon and it will create a Debtor/Customer or Creditor/Supplier with the same details as the Agent and will link them together.
PortThe default Port used by this Agent.
CommentsGeneral comments regarding the Agent.
InstructionsInstructions commonly provided to the Agent.
Own AgentIf the Agent record is for your own company, to be able to add your company as the Origin, Destination, or Booking Agent, toggle this to Y.
ReciprocityAgreed Reciprocity with this Agent. ie. If the agreed ration is 1 to 2, enter 1 in this field.
ToAgreed Reciprocity with this Agent. ie. If the agreed ration is 1 to 2, enter 2 in this field.
Group MembershipThe Groups that this Agent belongs to. This allows you to report on a group of agents. This list can be managed in Codes Management, filtered by Int Group.
Agent SettingsDynamic fields can fill this table to record information against the selected Agent. To create additional fields, please ask Moveware support with information of the field to be created. Some examples of include:
– Crew Performance. Options: Poor, Good, Excellent
– Customer service quality
– Communication

Agent ContactsAgent Contacts.
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