Create a Manual Invoice

Manual Invoices can be created at any time and may not relate to any specific job or storage account. Manual invoices can be useful for over the counter sales or for work not covered by the modules of Moveware. 

How to Create a Manual Invoice

  1. Click on the Add button to create a new Invoice. A Customer Lookup window is opened from which an existing Customer can be selected. Double click the Customer or select it and click OK. Customer information will then be automatically populated into the Invoice header including the Payment Terms. To create a new Customer, refer to Adding New Customers

    Note:  The Type has defaulted to Invoice (IN), the Company, Branch, and Cost Centre are defaulted as per the Users default settings. 

  2. If the Invoice relates to a specific Job, double click on the R/Plan field. From the resulting list of Jobs, select the required Job. (Note: in most cases, it is quicker to create the invoice from the Invoicing tab of the Jobs screen, as the invoice will then pull information such as the Bill To onto the Invoice).

  3. Enter the Description of the Invoice. This is a mandatory field and will appear in red if not entered when saved. 

  4. Enter as much Invoice detail as possible. 

  5. Click Save. Mandatory fields will appear red if incomplete. The invoice can only be saved once these fields are completed. 

The Invoicing window will show the newly created Invoice (Can be set to either Credit Note or Adjustment by changing it’s type) as status N (not updated). It may now be put on hold, canceled or posted. 

Note: Once saved the Invoice source is set as Manual Invoice (M). An Invoice Number is allocated depending on the System settings in the Invoicing section of the Customers tab in System Parameters. 

Once the header information is saved, Invoice Charges will be added and displayed at the bottom of the Customers Invoicing module. They may be a chargeable item or a comment. The charge line contains the value tax amount and the detail of the Branch, Cost Centre and General Ledger Subcode (usually linked to a revenue account but may be linked to other accounts if necessary) of the charge which is used to determine the General Ledger Account when posting the invoice. The list of available charging options is contained in Job Products

How to Add Details to the Invoice

  1. Click the Add button adjacent to the charge line table to bring up a list of relevant charges (also known as Job Products). 

  2. From the resulting list of Job Products select the required charges. Note: By default the charge Description, Tax Code, Branch, CC and Revenue Code are set from the System Defaults. These can then be edited as required. 

  3. Only enter a Quantity and Rate details if you require a calculation (i.e. Insurance), otherwise you can simply enter a line total directly into the Value column. Values can be entered exclusive or inclusive of tax by checking or un-checking the Tax Inclusive field. To set default values for Job Products see (Job Products in Administration menu). Note: For a Credit Note the Rate and/or Value must be entered as a negative (-) value i.e. -100.00. 

Once the invoice header and invoice details are entered and accurate, the invoice can be updated to status U by posting the invoice. This will send it to the Customer Ledger/General Ledger where it will await receipting. 

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