NES Module Setup

What is NES?

The NES is a computer-based system which allows export declarations to be made electronically, it replaces the manual process. NES operates within the nationwide electronic Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system which controls the movement of international cargo.

Please consult our NES User Guide for more information on how to use this module after it has been set up.

NES Module Setup

Follow the instructions below to set up the NES module in Moveware.

System Parameter

Code Value: DisableNES

Description: Disable NES

Value: N

Tooltip: N = No, Y = Yes

Help: Disable NES

In Tandem with Hardcoding:

if not (sysparam.sysparam-country = ‘GB’ or sysparam.sysparam-country = ‘NZ’ or sysparam.sysparam-comp begins ‘kent’ or sysparam.sysparam-comp begins ‘qcon’ or sysparam.sysparam-comp begins ‘Wridgways’) then hide button-customs in frame {&frame-name}.

System Setting Branch Management

Each company must have their Own Role, Location and Turn Numbers these are assigned by HMRC.

The below are example from the Excess setup and should NEVER be used on a new Client, they MUST have their OWN unique credentials.

Test System

Customs Email Address:

Role:                                        THS1ZDW

Location:                                 LOCEDC1ZDW

TURN:                                      123456789123 (Example Dummy Turn)                               

Live System

Customs Email Address:

Role:                                        THSAGAG

Location:                                 LOCEDCAGAG

TURN:                                      123456789123 (Example Dummy Turn)                   

The Role, Location & TURN are set up in Branch Management, by branch: The Customs Link in live should be set to NES Live.

Diary Actions

Dairy Action Description Message Type
Customs Lodged Customs Docs Lodged Outbound
Customs Cleared Customs Cleared Inbound
CustomsAmended Customs Declaration Amended Outbound
CustomsAmendAccept Customs Declaration Amendment Accepted Inbound
CustomsInitAmended Customs Initial Declaration Amended Outbound
CustomsCancelled Customs Declaration Cancelled Outbound
CustomsCancelAccept Customs Declaration Canceln Accepted Inbound
CustomsClosed Customs Declaration Closed TBC
CustomsRejected Customs Declaration Rejected Inbound
CustomsResponse Customs Response Message Inbound

Note: The following should be set for each of these actions:

‘Automated’                Set to ‘Y’

‘Type’                          Set to ‘Email’

‘Key Action’                 Set accordingly these are set as Inactive in Codes Management “Dairy Key Actions”

‘Customs Cleared’ and ‘Customs Lodged’ were pre-existing diary actions, the rest are new. 

The following screen shows the Customs Actions:

Live Email Setup

In XML Type – Email – Comments to the Email TO and From MUST be set accordingly if the Client is using a different email account for the NES then the main email address need to have permission to send as the NES dedicated Email.

Waybill Configuration – Spare Field 5 must be activated and described as “Flag” and set to Lookup from the Country Code Table.

Technical Information:

The interactive Customs UK user interface program is d-customsUKex.w.   It calls routine, p-cusresmsg.p, to translate & diarise inbound Customs response messages that are read from a text file, apart from generating the outbound messages to text file and creating the associated diary entries in the Waybill diary screen.  This routine should also be used in the automation software (see later).

The d-customsUKex.w program is called using an icon selection on the Waybill Details screen.

Outbound messages to Customs are sent by email attachment (No body text, just a single file attachment) with suggested subject lines:

Test system:    Test EDIFACT message for HMUT

Live System:   Live EDIFACT message for CHIEF

An outbound message looks like:

The outbound message is just a single line containing the EDIFACT message to be sent to Customs – The file name is the waybill number followed by the message type

(One of CUSDEC, AMEND, CANCEL).  This is generated by d-customsUKex.w as noted above.

For each inbound Customs response, two emails are received, the first is a receipt acknowledgement with the subject: X.400 Inter-Personal Notification.

And the actual response message is contained in the body of the second email:

Inbound messages (Customs responses) are received back to the originating outbound email address.   Excess sends messages from a dedicated email address to customs and receives the responses back to the same address. 

Currently, the outbound message is placed in the user’s directory (v-dir) as follows (Code from d-customsUKex.w):

find first sysparam no-lock no-error. 

v-usrname = BB_GetValue (“security”, “userid”).

v-rep = bb_getvalue(‘User’,’Salesrep’).

find first payemp where = v-usrname no-lock no-error.

if available payemp then do.

    assign v-dir  =

           v-brch =


else v-dir = ‘C:\Temp’.

/* System parameters */

find first branch where br-code = v-brch no-lock.

if available branch then

    assign v-turn       =       /* Excess    ‘835241638000’       */

              v-role        =           /* Role      ‘THSAGAG’              */

              v-location =     /* Location  ‘LOCEDCAGAG’   */

assign v-cr = ”   

           v-tl = yes.    /* Set to YES to produce LIVE messages  */

/* Settings for Testing */

if v-location = ‘LOCEDC1ZDW’ then

    assign v-dir = ‘C:\Temp’

           v-tl = no.

The user’s branch (v-brch) is used to extract the Location, Role & TURN information.

Perhaps this code needs to change to specify a global directory for outbound EDIFACT messages.  The current setup certainly provides a level of security I guess.

For testing, the program uses the location information to set for test messages and to send the outbound messages to C:\Temp.  

When the outbound message is ‘sent’ by the user using d-customsUKex.w, the body of the message is placed in the ‘Additional Notes’ section of the diary entry created, and the full path specification of the file attachment for the outbound message is placed in the ‘Attachments’ section.

Note: in the screen above date/time is showing local time for outbound messages and UK time for inbound messages.  This sequencing will resolve itself when the program is run in the UK.

For inbound messages the p-cusresmsg.p routine should be called.  This routine takes a textual message (body of the email response), ‘translates’ it and creates the diary entry.   An example of a customs response in the diary is:

This diary entry was created by reading in the customs response from a text file in d-customsUKex.w.

p-cusresmsg.p call parameters for automation are: 

def input  parameter v-msg    as char no-undo.         /* EDIFACT message             */

def input  parameter v-raw    as char no-undo.         /* Raw message – passed or set */

def input  parameter v-long   as log  no-undo.           /* If Yes, Long Translation    */       

def input  parameter v-skip   as log  no-undo.           /* If Yes  Skip some setup     */

def input  parameter v-diary  as log  no-undo.           /* If Yes, create diary entry  */

def output parameter v-trmsg  as char no-undo.      /* Translation                 */

def output parameter v-msgtype as int no-undo.      /* Message Type                */

def output parameter v-error  as char no-undo.       /* Error Return                */

v-msg               Inbound message text file (from the email body)

v-raw               Set to ‘’ always

v-long              Set to ‘No’

v-skip               Set to ‘No’ always

v-diary             Set to ‘Yes’ so the diary entry is created

v-trmsg            Returns the translation of the inbound message

v-msgtype       Ignore this return

v-error             Return non-blank if a an error has been found.

The translation of the message gives some useful information – best done on the fly on user demand & not stored.   Perhaps this could be done using a ‘hotkey’ translation to a message screen) – See the Notes below about short translation of outbound messages.

A ‘short’ translation of an inbound (CUSRES acceptance) message looks like:


Our ICR: 35995002

Customs ICR: 0008325860

ASG Code: 730 – CUSDEC (Initial Entry)

CHIEF Common Access Ref: DTM-REF558460-080618-16-01

Message Code: EFD – CUSDEC Declaration

Message Function: 29 – Accepted without amendment

Entry DTM: 20080618:1604

Goods Location Code: GBLHR

Office of Export: 120

Master UCR: A:93224161583

Declaration UCR: 8GB835241638000-558460

CHIEF Entry Reference Number: A63506L/1

Entry Status at Customs: 1 – Consignment subject to associated Route

Entry Status(Qualifier): A1 – Export entry accepted on CHIEF based on intention to export (Goods not “on hand”)

Examination Route Code: H

A ‘short’ translation of an inbound (CUSRES rejection) message looks like:


Our ICR: 35995001

Customs ICR: 0008450947

ASG Code: 730 – CUSDEC (Initial Entry)

CHIEF Common Access Ref: MWADMIN-REF900012-080723-10-56

Message Code: EFD – CUSDEC Declaration

Message Function: 27 – Not accepted

Declaration UCR: 8GB835241638-35995

Errors: (Line-Segment:Element:Component ErrorMessage)




A ‘short’ translation of an inbound (CONTRL rejection) message looks like:


Our ICR: 35995001

Customs ICR: 0008458810

Segment: UNB

Action: 4 – This level and all lower levels rejected

Error: 26 – Duplicate interchange (ICR) for role


‘Our ICR’ is stored in the dd-from field & ‘Customs ICR’ is stored in the dd-to field of the diary for inbound messages.   The p-cusresmsg.p routine will not create additional diary entries if a customs response is reloaded.

For outbound messages a short translation is stored in the dd-to field of the diary, for example the initial outbound customs declaration translation is:

‘Our ICR’ is composed of a waybill number with a 3-digit suffix.

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