Parsifal PRISM Interface – Household Goods Milestone Update

As mentioned in Service Order Initiation, a new Job is created in Moveware based on the data received from PRISM. From that point forward, updates should be made in Moveware only. Any updates to a (PRISM) Job in Moveware will automatically sync the updated data back to PRISM.

Moveware checks for updates to PRISM Jobs every two minutes, by scanning through each Active (not Canceled, Lost or Completed) Job that has “Parsifal” set in the Source/Referral field.

It then looks at each Job to see if any changes were made since the last update to the Job. If any changes were made, Moveware will send the Job data to PRISM. Moveware will send all the data stored in each field defined in the table below every time a change is made to the Job.

For this to function effectively, the following requirements must be adhered to:

  1. If an Order has both an Air and a Sea portion, they need to be created as “sequenced” Jobs. For example, if the Air portion is Job 100113, the Sea must be 100113a. Both Jobs should be assigned the same Order number.
    In the above example, if either 100113 or 100113a are updated, Moveware will send all the data for that Order number (both Jobs) at once.

  2. Many of the updates from Moveware to PRISM depend on Diary Actions using specific “Key Actions”. For example, to update the “actualPackToAir” field in PRISM, Moveware will send the date of the latest Pack Action on the Air shipment. It will look at the Job where the Method = Air, and it will look for a diary action with a Key Action of Pack.

  3. Several of the below updates look for the “earliest” or “latest” diary action, to populate the “from” and the “to” date in PRISM. The earliest action will be the action with the earliest date. For example, say a Job has 4 Pack actions with the following dates: March 9, March 10, March 11, and March 12 – the actualPackFromAir will be March 9, while the actualPackToAir will be March 12.

  4. In the table below, there is reference to “Completed” and “Incomplete” Diary Actions. Completed means the Diary Action has been marked as Complete on the Job. This is used to designate a date as being the ‘Actual’ date. Incomplete means it has not yet been marked as Completed and is used to designate the date as being ‘Estimated’.

    When a diary action goes from Incomplete to Complete, since there is a need to continue to sync the ‘Estimated’ date to PRISM, Moveware will automatically generate an identical Diary Action but with the string ‘ParsifalEst’ in the description. This ‘ParsifalEst’ version of Diary Action stores the before-completed-date and will be used for the sync of the Estimated date going forward. If for some reasons the Diary Action needs to be revert back to Incomplete state, Moveware will automatically delete the ‘ParsifalEst’ version.

    There are also a few references to Diary Actions being marked as “N/A” (Not Applicable), which communicates to PRISM that this task is not required (i.e. Customs Clearance).

  5. PRISM requires a True/False value from Moveware in several cases, such as the “Packing Confirmation Sent”. In these cases, Moveware is going to provide a “False” value unless it the “True” criteria is met. For Packing Confirmation, if a Completed packingConfirmationSent diary (key) action exists on the Job, then Moveware will provide “True”. In the case of multiple Jobs sharing the same Order number (Sea & Air portions), Moveware will look through all Jobs using that Order number for the “True” value. As long as one of the Jobs has a Completed Packing Confirmation, PRISM will receive confirmation that it occurred for that Order.

List of data that sends from Moveware to PRISM:

Parsifal field nameParsifal Comments Moveware fieldMoveware field description
*supplierKey GUID provided to suppliers when they begin to use the PRISM Supplier APIs Pull from backend MoveSupport database
*referenceID Obtained from Reference ID feed removals.r-spareint[7]Job Details - PRISM# (must be numeric)
*fileNbr removals.r-orderJob Details - P.O Number (Order No.)
supplierMoveCoordinator User Email - used to log into PRISM removals.r-manager -> Details - Move Manager -> Employee Details Work Email
firstContactDT   Job Diary - firstContactDT diary (key) action - from original job.
*introCall True/False Job Diary - If Completed introCall diary (key) action exists then True - from original job.
*infoPackageSent True/False Job Diary - If Completed infoPackageSent diary (key) action exists then True - from original job.
surveySchedulingCallDT   Job Diary - surveySchedulingCallDT diary (key) action - from original job.
surveyFollowUpDT   Job Diary - Followup diary (key) action - from original job.
scheduledSurveyDT   Job Diary - Incomplete Survey diary (key) action date - from original job.
actualSurveyDT   Job Diary - Completed Survey diary (key) action date
loadCallDT   Job Diary - loadCallDT diary (key) action date
qASiteVisitDT   Job Diary - qASiteVisitDT diary (key) action date
*packingConfirmationSent True/False Job Diary - If Completed packingConfirmationSent diary (key) action then True
originAgentID Obtained from Agent Feed removals.foagentid -> oagents.o-sparechar[?]Job Details - Origin Agent -> The ID value from Agent Settings: Parsifal
destinationAgentID Obtained from Agent Feed removals.oagentid -> oagents.o-sparechar[?]Job Details - Destination Agent -> The ID value from Agent Settings: Parsifal
estimatedPackFromAir   Job Diary - the earliest Uncompleted Pack diary (key) action where Method = Air
estimatedPackToAir   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Air
actualPackFromAir   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Pack diary (key) action where Method = Air
actualPackToAir   Job Diary - the latest Completed Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Air
estimatedPackFromSea   Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Pack diary (key) action where Method = Sea
estimatedPackToSea   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Sea
actualPackFromSea   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Pack diary (key) action where Method = Sea
actualPackToSea   Job Diary - the latest Completed Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Sea
estimatedPackFromRoad   Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Pack diary (key) action where Method = Road
estimatedPackToRoad   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Road
actualPackFromRoad   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Pack diary (key) action where Method = Road
actualPackToRoad   Job Diary - the latest Completed Pack diary (key) Action where Method = Road
estimatedLoadFromAir   Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Air
estimatedLoadToAir   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Air
actualLoadFromAir   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Air
actualLoadToAir   Job Diary - the latest Completed Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Air
estimatedLoadFromSea   Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Sea
estimatedLoadToSea   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Sea
actualLoadFromSea   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Sea
actualLoadToSea   Job Diary - the latest Completed Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Sea
estimatedLoadFromRoad   Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Road
estimatedLoadToRoad   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Road
actualLoadFromRoad   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Uplift diary (key) action where Method = Road
actualLoadToRoad   Job Diary - the latest Completed Uplift diary (key) Action where Method = Road
exportCustomsClearedEstimateAir   Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action where Method = Air
exportCustomsClearedActualAir   Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Origin (key) action where Method = Air
importCustomsClearedEstimatedAir   Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Air
importCustomsClearedActualAir   Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Air
*exportClearingNotRequiredAir True/False Job Diary - If Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action is marked as N/A and Method = Air
exportCustomsClearedEstimateSea   Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action where Method = Sea
exportCustomsClearedActualSea   Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Origin (key) action where Method = Sea
importCustomsClearedEstimatedSea   Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Sea
iImportCustomsClearedActualSea   Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Sea
*exportClearingNotRequiredSea True/False Job Diary - If Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action is marked as N/A and Method = Sea
exportCustomsClearedEstimateRoad   Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action where Method = Road
exportCustomsClearedActualRoad   Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Origin (key) action where Method = Road
importCustomsClearedEstimatedRoad   Job Diary - Incomplete Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Road
importCustomsClearedActualRoad   Job Diary - Completed Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action where Method = Road
*exportClearingNotRequiredRoad True/False Job Diary - If Customs Cleared at Origin diary (key) action is marked as N/A and Method = Road
*importClearingNotRequiredRoad True/False Job Diary - If Customs Cleared at Destination diary (key) action is marked as N/A and Method = Road
airportOfDepartureID Obtained from Port Feed waybill.w-portoriginID -> ports.port-acosWaybill - Rail/Port - Origin Method = Air
estimatedAirportOfDepartureDT   Job Diary - Incomplete Departure diary (key) action where Method = Air
actualAirportOfDepartureDT   Job Diary - Completed Departure diary (key) action where Method = Air
airportOfEntryID Obtained from Port Feed waybil.w-portdestinationID -> ports.port-acosWaybill - Rail/Port - Destination where Method = Air
airportOfEntryEstimatedArrival   Job Diary - Incomplete Arrival diary (key) action where Method = Air
airportOfEntryActualArrival   Job Diary - Completed Arrival diary (key) action where Method = Air
portOfDepartureID Obtained from Port Feed waybill.w-portoriginID -> ports.port-acosWaybill - Rail/Port - Origin where Method = Sea
estimatedPortOfDepartureDT   Job Diary - Incomplete Departure diary (key) action where Method = Sea
actualPortOfDepartureDT   Job Diary - Completed Departure diary (key) action where Method = Sea
portOfEntryID Obtained from Port Feed waybil.w-portdestinationID -> ports.port-acosWaybill - Rail/Port - Destination where Method = Sea
portOfEntryEstimatedArrival   Job Diary - Incomplete Arrival diary (key) action where Method = Sea
portOfEntryActualArrival   Job Diary - Completed Arrival diary (key) action where Method = Sea
airwayBill waybill.w-oblWaybill - OBL/AWBL where Method = Air
flightNumber waybill.w-routvoyage[1]Waybill - Flight where Method = Air. First route only
airline waybill.w-routecarrier[1]Waybill - Carrier where Method = Air. First route only
oceanBillOfLading waybill.w-oblWaybill - OBL/AWBL where Method = Sea
voyageID waybill.w-voyageWaybill - Voyage where Method = Sea
steamshipLine waybill.w-vesselWaybill - Freight where method = Sea
vesselName waybill.w-vesselnameWaybill - Vessel where Method =Sea
containerID1 remcost.rc-numberWaybill - Container Number -1st Container from either the first job or any of the sequenced job, whichever one comes first.
containerID2 remcost.rc-numberWaybill - Container Number - 2nd Container of the job if there are no sequenced jobs. If there are sequenced jobs, then 1st Container from any of the sequenced job, whichever one comes first.
roadBillOfLading waybill.w-oblWaybill - OBL/AWBL where Method = Road
originAirSITInEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Air
originAirSITOutEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Air
originAirSITInActual   Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Air
originAirSITOutActual   Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Air
destAirSITInEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Air
destAirSITOutEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Air
destAirSITInActual   Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Air
destAirSITOutActual   Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Air
originSeaSITInEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Sea
originSeaSITOutEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Sea
originSeaSITInActual   Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Sea
originSeaSITOutActual   Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Sea
destSeaSITInEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Sea
destSeaSITOutEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Sea
destSeaSITInActual   Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Sea
destSeaSITOutActual   Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Sea
originRoadSITInEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Road
originRoadSITOutEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Road
originRoadSITInActual   Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Road
originRoadSITOutActual   Job Diary - Completed Origin SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Road
destRoadSITInEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Road
destRoadSITOutEstimate   Job Diary - Incomplete Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Road
destRoadSITInActual   Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT In diary (key) action where Method = Road
destRoadSITOutActual   Job Diary - Completed Dest SIT Out diary (key) action where Method = Road
midCallAttempted   Job Diary - midCallAttempted diary action date
midCallCompleted   Job Diary - midCallCompleted diary action date
estimatedDeliveryFromAir   Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Air
estimatedDeliveryToAir   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Air
actualDeliveryFromAir   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Air
actualDeliveryToAir   Job Diary - the latest Completed Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Air
estimatedDeliveryFromSea   Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Sea
estimatedDeliveryToSea   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Sea
actualDeliveryFromSea   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Sea
actualDeliveryToSea   Job Diary - the latest Completed Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Sea
estimatedDeliveryFromRoad   Job Diary - the earliest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Road
estimatedDeliveryToRoad   Job Diary - the latest Incomplete Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Road
actualDeliveryFromRoad   Job Diary - the earliest Completed Delivery diary (key) action where Method = Road
actualDeliveryToRoad   Job Diary - the latest Completed Delivery diary (key) Action where Method = Road
oACallAttempted Job Diary - oACallAttempted diary action date
oACallCompleted Job Diary - oACallCompleted diary action date
*propertyDamage True/False Job Diary - If Completed PropertyDamage diary (key) action exists then True
*hHGDamage True/False Job Diary - If Completed hHGDamage diary (key) action exists then true
*allDeliveriesComplete True/False Job Diary - If Completed allDeliveriesComplete diary (key) action then true
*signedDeliveryFormReceived True/False Job Diary - If Completed signedDeliveryFormReceived (key) action then True
propertyDamageComments Job Diary - Completed PropertyDamage Comments - Includes comments from all sequenced jobs, separated by ' // '
hHGDamageComments Job Diary - Completed hHGDamage Comments - Includes comments from all sequenced jobs, separated by ' // '
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