Purchase Approval Setup

When setting up Moveware for Purchase Approval, there are a few key decisions to be made.

1) How many Approvers are required for each Purchase Invoice?

Some companies choose to have one Approver. This can be the person who arranged for the Supplier to do the work for that Job, as they are in the best position to verify the accuracy of the invoice. Or, it can be a manager who reviews all Purchase Invoices before they are given to accounting to post to the G/L.

If you want one Approver for each Purchase Invoice, set the System Parameter “Use Purchase Approval” to have a value of Y.

Other companies have two people involved on working with Suppliers on a Job, and would like two Approvers for every Purchase Invoice. Moveware allows for Multiple Approvers.
If you want two Approvers, and it doesn’t matter which order they approve the invoices in, set the System Parameter “Use Purchase Approval” to have a value of M.

The third option is to have one person do the initial approval, and then their manager to approve it afterward (in that order). Moveware can accommodate this by assigning a “Final Approver”. If you want an Approver, and then a Final Approver who review Purchase Invoices, set the System Parameter “Use Purchase Approval” to have a value of F.

There are a few fields in Codes Management that need to be activated as well. In Codes Management, filter by “Type” (top left dropdown menu) of Employee Details. Activate the “Purchase Approver” field and the “Purchase Approval Limit” field. If using a Final Approver, activate “Assigned Final Approver” and “Purchase Final Approver”.

2) Who are your Purchase Approvers and what are their limits?

Now that you’ve activated the Purchase Approval fields in Employee Details, you can go to Employee Management > User Details to set up the Approvers.

Each Employee who is a Purchase Approver should have a Y set in the Purchase Approval field. The value the user is authorized to approve is defined in the Purchase Approval Limit field.

If using the Final Approver option, all Final Approvers should be set as “Purchase Final Approver” = Y. Each initial Approver should then have the initials of the Final Approver set in the “Assigned Final Approver Field”. In the case of the above screenshot, the Employee is an Approver with a Limit of 5000.00. He is not a Final Approver. His Final Approver is user MWA. After he approves purchase invoices, MWA makes the final approval.

3) Add the Purchase Invoice Status of A

The final step in setting up Purchase Approval is to set the System Parameter “Use Purchase Approval Status A” to have a Value of Y. This creates a new status used for Purchases that have been approved. Without Purchase Approval, the Statuses are N (Not Posted) and U (Posted to the G/L). With this Parameter activated, Unapproved Purchase Invoices will have a Status of N, Approved Purchases will have a Status of A, and posted Purchases a Status of U.

With this Parameter Activated, the Purchase Update will now display purchases in Status A, to be reviewed by Accounting and posted to the G/L.

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