Report Configuration – SMS Setup

SMSSet to Y whenever the report is an SMS message template.
MultipleSet to Y if the SMS message has Multiple recipients.
BypassSet to Y to Bypass the 'Send' popup (i.e. send the message directly without having a chance to review it first).
SourceDefines where the recipient's phone number will be extracted from.

Removals: Jobs
Waybills: The Waybill details screen
Waybill Consignees: A seperate email to each consignee on a consolidated Waybill
Rate Request: Rate Requests (Quotes to Agents)
Debtors: Customer (Debtor) Management
Creditors: Supplier (Creditor) Management
Agents: The Agents module
Invoices: The invoicing module
ToDefines who the SMS message is intended for. The "Dedicated Number" option allows you to specify a fixed phone number in the To No field. Rather than dynamically pulling a number from a Job, Waybill, etc.
To No.Click into this box and options will appear on the right (SalesRep Mobile, Entered by Mobile,, etc.) Double click one of those options if you wish to message the Sales Rep of a Job, the person who entered a Job, etc.

If "Dedicated Number" was chosen in the "To" field, enter the phone number directly into the To No. field.
ReferAllows entry of some reference text for each message.
SubjectEnter a Subject for the message.
BodyThe big box in the middle is for your SMS message template.
If the report itself is strictly an email template, choose "Standard Body" and enter your email template into the box.
To the right of the message are a number of "Merge fields". These are dynamic fields that will pull information from Moveware. For instance the top option is . Double click this and it will add the RP (Job) number into the email template.
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