Start Times

The Labour Start Times window displays any labour allocated to the specified branch. This enables an Operations Manager to allocate start times on a daily basis and to enter if an employee was on Sick Leave, Annual Leave or having a Rostered Day Off.

Note. Information entered into this screen is for informative purposes only and does not update any other data in Moveware. It is a simple tool to help advise crews off start times and/or to record actual times.

To view and edit start times:

  1. Navigate to Operations > Start Times in the main menu.
  2. Select the required day at the top of the Labour Start Times window.
  3. Filter the records by description, name, branch or start time.
  4. Double click the branch field to allocate or change the employee’s branch.
  5. Edit the Start Time, Lunch and Finish Time fields as required. To quickly enter data in the Start Times field, the default shortcuts below can be used. Simply type the value in the Start Time Column and leave the field to activate the shortcut.
HUsed to enter the hour in the format of HH:MM7 assigns 7:00
HHUsed for Start Times based on the half Hour77 assigns 7:30
SUsed for Sick LeaveS assigns Sick
AUsed for Annual LeaveL assigns A/L
PUsed for Public HolidaysP assigns P/H
RUsed for Rostered Days OffR assigns RDO

6. Enter any other relevant information in the Details field.

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