Mobi Release Notes 1.78.9

Ticket Number/TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
Adding a new package to artwork in MobiPreviously, there was no pack button for objects in the warehouse screen. As a part of ongoing enhancements, the following have been added:
1) A Pack Button has been added to the set of buttons for each object
2) An object that is already packed cannot be packed again
3) An object that is already unpacked cannot be unpacked again
4) Pack and Unpack changes apply to objects being selected using checkboxes as well.

In terms of usage, validations and restrictions have been applied on packed and unpacked objects.

No change in settings.
Location Search forced to  UppercasePreviously, some users may have faced an issue where location search might have unexpectedly returned no results when the location search string was entered in a lower case.

This has now been fixed.
No change in usage or settings.
Language on PDF ReportPreviously, users not having English as the set language in Mobi may have faced an issue where answers in reports were not get getting translated.

This has now been fixed.
No change in usage or settings.
Mobi Standard CSS for reportsMinor formatting changes in display.No change in usage or settings.
Checkoff Screen Add Items Failure IOSPreviously, some users were unable to add items in the check off-screen in IOS.

This has now been fixed.
No change in usage or settings.
Inventory and Checkoff – Barcode ScanningWe have added a pop-up warning for when a barcode is scanned in the checkoff screen. This then creates an unknown item, which can be edited in the inventory screen or removed completely. Also, we have fixed the barcode button on the inventory so it appears when enabled.No change in usage or settings.
Mobi October ReleaseDue to changes required by Google and iOS, we have had to update the underlying architecture of the app. Some older devices may no longer be compatible. No change in usage or settings.