Mobi Release Notes 1.79

Ticket Number/TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
390679 – Fixed Formatting for Materials ReportWe have fixed formatting for materials reports, when the price column is visible.No change in usage or settings.
381958 – Added Ability to Display Dual Tax Lines in ReportsWe have added an ability to add dual tax lines in reports.This requires a parameter to be added to the report setup: TaxSubset. The format is:
TaxSubset, text, <Code><Comma><Multiplier>

Subset is calculated against total tax amount
378106 – Added Ability to Re-sign against Existing SignaturesWe have an ability to re-sign signatures when the signature displays ‘signature on file’ in reports/reviews.This requires a setting: AllowResign = Yes.
391766 – Fixed Add Items in Check Off ScreenPreviously, some users may have faced an issue where the Add Items button in Check off page would not respond.

This has now been fixed and the button will function as expected.
No change in usage or settings.