Mobi Release Notes 2.1

Mobi Release Notes 2.1 – April 2021

1712461 - Inventory - Lot Vs. Destination Color codingClarified coloring for lot/destinationWhen a job is using Lot colors, the destination color will never populate on the inventory screen.
If no lot colors are present, then the default destination coloring will be used.
1712461 - ACCOUNTS - Accounts Report to display Inc. Exc TaxUpdated reports to display rate ex-tax when reqiuredWhen a report is set to run with ex-tax, then the rate for any invoice lines will also be ex-tax.
When inc-tax is present, the rate will be inc-tax.
This makes the reports invoice lines consistent regarding tax.
MOBI - INVENTORY - Bulky, Weight and Special Items FieldsRemoved some unused fields from inventorySome fields have been removed/modified from the inventory and job screen to match what exists inside Moveware.
Inventory: Bulky has been removed. Weight has been clarified
Jobs: Special items have been removed, as this is not used.
Continuation of Mobi-213, confirmed/unconfirmed/showed labour for remcostAdded ability to display unconfirmed/confirmed resources in job viewAdded ability to display unconfirmed labour items in job search, for clarity
399054 - Review filtering for day menusFixed review filtering in day menusReviews will now respect the user's branch inside day menus
MOBI - BarcodingFixed large barcode settingFixed large barcode setting for inventory screen.
MobiCrew - Timesheet - Bulk updateFixed bug in timesheet copyFixed a bug inside the timesheet where multiple updates were not possible
394605 ContinuationFixed issue with packing not loadingFixed an issue where the packing would not load correctly when editing an item
MOBI - Reviews - fix to accept restricted charactersAdded handling for restricted characters in filename generationFilenames will handle all restricted characters to prevent file errors when any file is generated
Mobi- Report TimestampAdded a timestamp to report footersAdded a timestamp to report footers, which will print the time and date when a report has footers enabled
MOBI - Timesheeting - Updating DA timeFixed issue where timesheet did not update diary timeWhen updating a resource inside timesheets, a popup will ask to also update the diary time with the same values.
MOBI - BarcodingAdded Separate barcode field to standard listWhen using separate barcode fields in the inventory, this field will be part of the default list without a drop-down expansion.
MOBI - BarcodingFixed barcode scan buttonFixed barcode scan button to be visible when appropriate
MobiCrew - Duplicated Questions on Report/ReviewsImproved review question generation on reportsModified the review questions on reports to prevent double-ups.
Cl 140 - Diary Action Not Set to Completed Although all Workflow DoneAdjusted the way diaries are completed in workflowDiary actions will now complete when the rating type contains "JobFinish" but can be called other things (eg: JobFinishFA, etc)
April Alpha Release
MOBI - CONDITION - Take Condition PhotosAdded ability to take photos directly from conditionAdded the ability to take photos directly from the condition popup.
MOBI - DIARY SUMMARY - Floor, Map Rep and Contact FieldsUpdated Floor/Map/Contact fields to match MovewareUpdated the floor, map ref, and contact fields to match what happens inside Moveware, based on available settings.
MOBI - SYNC - Alert when syncing too many attachmentsAdded alert when syncing too many attachmentsAdded an alert when syncing more than 30 attachments to remind the user that it will take a long time.