Moveware 9.24.10 Release Notes

Please consult the Moveware Release Schedule for more information.


TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
Extended the System Parameter 'Use Tariff Debtors' to be able to exclude Tariff status from Debtor lookup
We have extended the System Parameter 'Use Tariff Debtors' to be able to exclude the Tariff status from the Debtor lookup by setting 'Y' in the Sub-Group field.Administration > Company Setup > Codes > Type: Cust Status
The user can set 'Y' in the Sub-Group field on the System Parameter and use the Debtor lookup, the debtors with status 'Tariff' will be excluded.

sysparam-spare7[49](Use Tariff Debtors) = Y with Sub-Group = Y
New System Parameter - Import Storage to check existing record with Branch and File
We have added a new System Parameter to check existing records with Branch and File for Data Import > Storage.
The system uses column L or column #12 AND column B or column #2 to check existing records and update Storage records instead of creating new ones.
Code: ImportStorageCheckBrchFileExisting
Description: Import Storage to check existing record with Branch and File
Help: Y = Yes, N = No
Default: N
Enhancement - Add username to Password changed event log
We have added the username info into the event log text when a users password has changed. Until now, we only showed the users ID in the reference field.In Employee Management screen > select Moveware user > User Details tab
Change user password and check the event log.
Enhancement - Added Delete All Historical Reminders button
We have added a button to delete all the user’s historical reminders.On the Reminder screen > tick the Show History toggle to enable the Delete All Historical Reminders button > click the button to delete all the user’s historical reminders.

System Parameter 'KeepMessageHistory' = Y

Bug Fixes

TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
Bug Fix - Fixed Trucks Required on Daily Diary screen to display correctly considering the Add column
Fixed 'Trucks Required' field on the Daily Diary screen to display correctly considering the 'Add' column value on the "Allocate Resources to selected Task (Labour, Vehicles, Materials etc)" button from the Removal Diary screen.The user can set No and Add value on the "Allocate Resources to selected Task (Labour, Vehicles, Materials etc)" button from the Removal Diary screen. On the Daily Diary screen, the 'Trucks Required' column will then display correctly considering the Add column. This also affects the Alternative view to display required vehicles.

Settings: System Parameter 'Use Diary Based Resource Costing' = Y
Bug Fix - Fixed Status filter on Paragraph screen
Fixed the Status filter on the Paragraph screen to be a dropdown and set to Active status by default. Previously, it was a text filter and blank by default so it displayed all Paragraph statuses and the user had to manually input the text to filter.On the Paragraph screen, the status filter is set to Active by default.
Bug Fix - Fixed calculation of for Single Touch Payroll
We previously calculated the total tax from all tax lines within the same date for . We changed that to calculate the tax from the selected Pay.-
Bug Fix - Fixed Storage Inventory Number filter on the Storage Management screen
Fixed Storage Inventory Number filter on the Storage Management screen. Previously, it didn't work.On Storage Management screen > Location tab > Storage Inventory > Storage Inventory Number filter > Input Storage Inventory Number

Email & SMS

TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
New System Parameter - Use Debtor Email Source when running Invoice Email Source Report on multiple invoices screen
A new System Parameter has been added to use the 'Debtor' Email Source when running invoice email source reports on multiple invoices screen.
e.g. Invoice report with Email Source = Invoices when running on the Debtor Management screen (multiple invoices screen), the system will use Email Source = Debtors instead to get the Email To and convert mail merge fields.
The user can enable the System Parameter > Go to Debtor Management > run Invoice report (Email Source = Invoices) > the system will use the Email Source = Debtors instead to get the Email To and convert mail merge fields accordingly.

Code: UseDebtorSrcEmailInvoiceSrcReport
Description: Use Debtor Email Source when running Invoice Email Source Report on multiple invoices screen
Options: N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N
Use Debtor Email Source when running Invoice Email Source Report on multiple invoices screen
e.g. Invoice report with Email Source = Invoices when running on the Debtor Management screen(multiple invoices screen), the system will use Email Source = Debtors instead to get the Email To and convert mail merge fields.
Enhancement - Added Job Number to received SMS notification
We have added the linked job number to the received SMS notification via email and Moveware reminder. Until now it displayed only the from number, to number, ddid, SID, and the content of the SMS.On Moveware screen click Window > Check Reminders or click Organizer > SMS Inbox
Enhancement - Email subject merge field can now be used for sending email to Storage customer
Email subject merge filters are now supported when sending an email to the storage customer from the Storage screenSetup the merge field similar to other email subject merge fields:
Code Type = Email Subject
Code Value = Storage
Enhancement - New Email Merge fields for Sparerep1
We have added additional mail merge fields:

SpareRep1 First
SpareRep1 Last
SpareRep1 Preferred Name
SpareRep1 Position
SpareRep1 Department
SpareRep1 Phone
SpareRep1 Mobile
SpareRep1 Default Email
SpareRep1 ID
SpareRep1 Mobile Business Card
SpareRep1 Image.
On any screen which allows a user to insert mail merge fields, such as Report Configuration, Paragraphs, Job Type setup.
Enhancement - New Mail Merge fields for Sales Assistant
We have added additional mail merge fields:

Sales Assistant
Sales Assistant First
Sales Assistant Last
Sales Assistant Preferred Name
Sales Assistant Position
Sales Assistant Department
Sales Assistant Phone
Sales Assistant Mobile
Sales Assistant Default Email
Sales Assistant ID
Sales Assistant Mobile Business Card
Sales Assistant Image.
On any screen which allows a user to insert mail merge fields, such as Report Configuration, Paragraphs, Job Type setup.


TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
Extended the System Parameter 'ShowAddDiary' to support Alternative view on the Daily Diary screen
We have extended the System Parameter 'ShowAddDiary' to support the alternative view on the Daily Diary screen. Previously, it affected only the standard view.The user can enable the System Parameter, and add or edit the value in the 'Add' column in the Diary tab on a Diary Action with an Hour value. Estimated Hours(HrsE) on the Daily Diary screen will be displayed as HrsE = Hour + Add.

System Parameter 'ShowAddDiary' = Y
New System Parameter - Disable the display of Labor and Vehicles by using type filters
A new System Parameter has been added to dynamicly hide the Diary’s Resources (Vehicles and Labour) windows on the Daily Diary screen based on the diary type filter.Administration > System Setup > System Parameters

Code: UncheckShowLabourShowVehiclesByTypeFilter
Description: Disable the display of Labor and Vehicles by using type filters
Value: Specify diary types separated by commas, e.g., Warehouse, Operations
Default Value: N

Removals (Jobs)

TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
New System Parameters - 1. Do Not Update Referral/Referral Details from Bill To 2. Do Not Update Telesales from Bill To
We have added two System Parameters:

1. 'Do Not Update Referral/Referral Details from Bill To' to stop updating the Referral and Referral Details fields from the customer/debtor record when selected in 'Bill To' on the Removal details screen.

2. 'Do Not Update Telesales from Bill To' to stop updating the Telesales field from the customer/debtor record when selected in 'Bill To' on the removal details screen. (The Telesales field is the Removal background field)
Code: DoNotUpdateReferralBillTo
Description: Do Not Update Referral/Referral Details from Bill To
Options:N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N

Code: DoNotUpdateTelesalesBillTo
Description: Do Not Update Telesales from Bill To
Options:N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N
New System Parameter - Costing Line Description Display
A new System Parameter has been added to display the costing line description in Removals > Costing tab at the top of the costing sheet.Administration > System Setup > System Parameters

Code: CostingLineDescriptionDisplay
Description: Costing Line Description Display
Options: Default: N
Extended System Parameter "Show Comment On Posting Invoice" with new Option X to show the comment only when not blank
An additional option 'X' has been added to existing System Parameter 'Show Comment On Posting Invoice'.
With this option the comments from the Customer Note / Comment Note or Invoice Note would only pop-up on posting when there is actually information in there. With value 'Y' it would always show the pop-up whether or not there is any information.
ShowCommentOnPosting - N = No, Y = Yes, X = Do not show blank
New System Parameter - Auto populate insurance rate and premium by cover type
A new System Parameter has been added to auto populate the insurance rate and insurance premium by cover type on the Jobs/Removals Management screenAdministration > System Setup > System Parameters

After enabling this System Parameter, the rate can be set for each Insurance Type via Codes Management.
Administration > Company Setup > Codes > Type: Insured Cover > set the value in the 'Def Ins Rate' and 'Def Ins Premium' field

The values would then get auto-populated in the Insurance Rate and Insurance Premium fields on the Removal Details screen.

Code: AutoPopulateInsFields
Description: Auto populate insurance rate and premium by cover type
Value: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N


TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
Enhancement - New Filters for Rate Revision Letter Report
We have added two new filters 'Storage Group' and 'Rate Revision Group' to the Rate Revision Letter report.Reports > Storage > Rate Revision Letter


TitleDescription of FunctionalityDescription of Usage
New System Parameter - Enable Inventory Container Parent
A new System Parameter has been added to enable the parent field on Container and/or Storage inventory for linking the inventory and when one of the linked inventory is located, all linked items are located.
This is used when the user has containers that are split into 2 sides or more, e.g. Side A and Side B.
Physically this is one container however, Moveware will monitor what is placed in each, thus Side A and Side B must be separate inventory records in the database.
Every one of these inventory items should have a "parent" inventory which is the whole container, then each side should have its own inventory records (one for Side A and one for Side B or more).
When using the lookup to add this inventory, only child inventory will be available. The parent inventory is used for linking only.
The user can enable the System Parameter.
1. Set the parent inventory by setting 'Parent(P)?' = P
2. Link child inventory to parent inventory by setting parent inventory in the 'Parent' field
3. Allocate the location on one child inventory
4. All linked inventory will be moved to the same location

Code: EnableInventoryContainerParent
Description: Enable Inventory Container Parent
Options: Y = Both Container and Storage, C = Container Only, S = Storage Only, N = No
Default: N
New System Parameter - Enable Branch Location Map Image
A new System Parameter has been added to enable the 'Location Map' field on the Branch Management screen to store the image file path and enable the 'Display Branch Location Map' button on the Location Management screen to open the 'Location Map' image file based on the Branch of Location.
The Location branch is a background field that is auto-assigned when assigning an Agent with a branch.
The user can enable the System Parameter, select an image on the 'Location Map' field on the Branch Management, then on the Location Management screen, on the location where it has the same branch user sets the image, the user can use the 'Display Branch Location Map' button to open the image.

Code: EnableBrchLocMapImg
Description: Enable Branch Location Map Image
Options: Y = Yes, N = No
Default: N