Allocate Resources in the Operations Diary

Resources such as Labour and Vehicles can be allocated simply and efficiently in the Search tab of the Daily Diary.  The resource information is stored and displayed on this screen as well as on the Resources tab of the Job.  This information becomes available for later use in utilities such as Timesheet Management and Payroll.

When allocating the resources to Jobs, it is important to consider:

  • Allocation of appropriate Vehicles and/or Labour in order to meet promised uplift and delivery dates as monitored in the Destination Summary (for long distance and international jobs)
  • Paying special attention to items such as times that have been promised to the client by sales staff
  • Efficient utilisation of resources.

Effective utilisation of vehicles and labour can be monitored by using the Display Activity  button in the Search tab.  This provides a graphical representation of all vehicles and labour indicating work times and highlights to the operator idle periods where further work can be booked or altered.  If there is a crossover of resources, or a resource is double booked, is displayed in red and requires investigation.

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