The Status Q Cost Option

What is the Status Q Cost Option?

If you need to make a change to an invoice which is linked to a Cost Option, the way to do it is by editing the original Cost Option.   

In order to maintain a record of the estimated values that were used in the original cost option to create the quote, the system has an automatic process in place, whereby at the moment of changing the status of the job from Pending to Won, it will auto-create a read-only copy of the chosen cost option.   

The purpose of this non-editable cost option, which we refer to as the Q Cost Option because it is given a status of Q (for quote), is so that even after we have updated the original cost option with different values, we can still go back and review the estimated values we had used to quote the client.  

How the Q Cost Option Works

  1. User creates a Job in status E, I or P. 
  2. For E and I Jobs, they must be moved to Status P for Quoting stage.
  3. During this stage, you create one or more options/costing sheets that will become quotes and potential invoices.
  4. User will present the quote or quotes.
  5. Customer approves one or more of the quotes.
  6. User moves the job status to W; in that moment, the system prompts to select the won options and and cancels the lost ones. 
  7. The booked option becomes the active cost option.
  8. A copy of it is automatically generated, locked, and hidden automatically. This is called the Q Cost Option (this is a copy of the booked quote at the moment of moving the job to W).
  9. To view this quote, you simply click the toggle (see images below).
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